Facing another night unsheltered?
Couch surfing is homelessness.
Kicked out of your parents’ house?
Living unsheltered with your child?
Rejection sucks.
Nowhere left to go?
Facing another night unsheltered? Couch surfing is homelessness. Kicked out of your parents’ house? Living unsheltered with your child? Rejection sucks. Nowhere left to go?
We can help you.
Youth Hotline: (317) 699-1994
If you are between the ages of 14-24 and facing homelessness, reaching out to Outreach can be the turning point on your path to a better tomorrow.

What if I need immediate housing and shelter?
Outreach can connect you with resources to help you find short-term housing while you navigate the housing process.
Call our youth hotline for more info.
Learn more about Outreach’s housing problem solving program for long-term housing.
Nowhere left to go? Program Centers are safe places where you are WANTED just the way you are.
Stop by any time our doors are open. No appointment necessary. We have three Indianapolis locations ready to serve youth ages 14-24 who are facing homelessness.

Three Indianapolis Area Locations:
Near Eastside
2416 E New York Street
Indianapolis, IN 46201
(Enter through the courtyard on N Forest Ave.)Open Hours
Mon • Wed • Fri
9:30am – 4pm -
Northeast Side
5200 Shadeland Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46226
(At Lawrence UMC. Enter through Door 3)Open Hours
Come in and get help with
ID Assistance
Education Assistance
Outreach’s staff will work alongside you to make sure you are connected to the right resources to obtain your IDs, receive educational support, determine employment eligibility, and work to make sure you have access to transportation for important appointments or interviews. Stop by a Program Center today to talk with a Resource Advocate.
Get help with life skills through our
GROUP Programming
Personal Growth & Spiritual Development
Peer Discussion Groups
Recreational Exploration
Our group programming focuses on your growth: body, soul and mind, while creating a space for your voice to be heard and known. Through engaging in Outreach’s programs, you will build deeper relationships with your peers and Outreach staff as well as creating a space and opportunity for you to be seen, known, loved, and empowered.
Invest in your future with our
1:1 Coach Relationship
Cohort with Peers
Are you ready to dive deeper in your journey towards stability? Outreach’s coaching program will provide you with a 1:1 coach relationship while also building deeper relationships with your peers through group experiences. This coaching program is designed to have you be in the driver's seat, while the coach navigates alongside you as you work towards your goals.
Get MORE than basic services at Outreach.
A caring and trained professional is ready to sit down with you and offer the help you need.
Youth Hotline: (317) 699-1994
An estimated
youth face homelessness anually in Marion County
The Problem
Our Goal
end youth homelessness in Indianapolis.
Youth homelessness is hard to measure. Many young people who become unstable in their housing often wind up “couch surfing”, doubling up with family or friends who offer them a place to stay for a short period of time. Last year, Outreach served over 800 youth and young adults facing homelessness. By contrast, untold thousands more need our help and connection to services and support. Outreach is poised to expand services throughout Central Indiana so that any youth facing homelessness has an opportunity to experience redemptive love through healthy relationships with God, self, others, and the rest of creation.
Our impact
young people served by Outreach in 2024
meals provided in 2024
group discussion sessions in 2023
young people graduated from high school in 2024
We Need you!
Help us lead with love to empower youth who are moving beyond homelessness.
At Outreach, hope becomes tangible for our young people experiencing homelessness when staff and volunteers begin to engage them by meeting them where they are and pointing them to the love they can experience with God and with others.
The thing they need the most is not a roof and a bed, but to experience the love of Christ through caring relationships. As we build those relationships, we share the hope that is found in Jesus and help them find their footing as they begin their journey towards hope and a stable future.