Problem Solving

Outreach offers referrals to emergency shelters and other housing programs. There are many housing resources available and Outreach’s trained staff will help you get connected with resources that will put you on a pathway towards housing.


Outreach YouthLink logo

Our YouthLink program assists youth and young adults in solving housing instability.


Are you at risk of becoming homeless? Outreach’s Diversion program uses unique housing problem solving and conflict resolution approaches to stabilize housing, so that youth do not have to become homeless.

System Navigators

Are you 18-24 and staying in a shelter or on the street? Outreach’s Systems Navigation program will walk you through your eligibility for housing programs.

Preventative Measures

Outreach’s team of highly trained Diversion Specialists will walk alongside you for creative housing problem solving with an individualized plan. If you are between the ages of 14-24 and you are at risk of losing your housing within the next 14 days, you may be eligible for the Diversion Program, where a diversion specialist will support and guide you through stabilizing your housing. Please text or leave a voicemail at 317-699-1994 to learn more.

Connecting you with the right resources

Outreach’s team of Systems Navigators will meet with you 1:1 to discuss your eligibility for the housing programs and resources. Your navigator will walk with you to compile all documentation and other needed items to propel you forward in your journey towards stable housing. If you are currently staying in a shelter or on the street, System Navigators have walk-in CES assessment appointment times Monday and Friday between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. at our Near Eastside location. Appoinments are first come first serve.

Talk to someone about your eligibility for housing programs by texting or leaving a voicemail with the YouthLink phone line: 317-699-1994

The Triage Specialist will walk you through resources and eligibility.

Dwight’s Journey to Hope

Dwight is a dedicated young man who has been coming to Outreach for nearly two years now. When Dwight first came to Outreach, he was in the middle of going through an eviction, and he did not want to walk in that experience alone. Outreach came alongside him and supported him through that journey and to help him find more housing opportunities.