How You Can Help Youth Facing Homelessness
Become part of a movement of difference-makers in Indianapolis helping youth overcome homelessness and beat the odds!
Tour Our Facilities and Meet with Us
If you’ve never visited us, now’s the time! Take a personalized, guided tour of our Near Eastside program center to see our ministry in action, meet the youth we walk alongside, and the staff and volunteers who make it happen.
Explore the Program Center
Meet Youth, Staff & Volunteers
Walk the Timeline Wall
Take part in Q&A
Why it Matters
For many, youth homelessness doesn’t seem like a big problem. But that’s because it is largely hidden, undocumented, and underreported. Touring our Program Center on New York Street, just a mile east of downtown, gives partners like you a chance to enter the space where you can connect deeper with the work Outreach does alongside these hidden youth.
Besides getting to know us, a tour helps us get to know you and discover ways to connect you to the exciting ministry happening here at Outreach.

When you partner financially with Outreach, your generosity enables us to create a space where youth are
Outreach, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. EIN: 35-1989358. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
How far does your gift go?
can cover the expense of 25 loads of laundry done in one programming day
can cover the expense of 20 served meals in one programming day
can cover the expense of 40 one day full fare bus passes
can cover the monthly expenses for 10 youth in the coaching program
More Ways to Give
Personal Property/Stock
To donate non-cash gifts, such as personal property, stocks, or mutual funds, please learn more here. Follow the steps, complete the fillable form for transfer and submit to our director of donor relations at kblodgett@outreachindiana.org.
In-Kind Giving
As Outreach provides access to services such as showers, laundry, clothing meals, and more, there is a need to provide in-kind goods, so Outreach can continue to meet the immediate needs of youth facing homelessness. You can donate in-kind items such as underwear, shampoo, conditioner, food, etc., to make sure Outreach can stay well-stocked on these highly-needed items. See our Greatest Needs page for more information.
Church Partnerships
Is your church looking to get more involved with helping end youth homelessness in Central Indiana? Are you interested in exploring different ways to partner with us? Explore opportunities in our Church Partnership document (coming soon!). Reach out to kblodgett@outreachindiana.org to learn more!
Donor advised Funds
If you have a donor advised fund, please consult with your financial institution to designate Outreach, Inc. as one of your charitable organizations to support.
Business / Community Partnerships
Does your business have a philanthropic budget? Are you looking to make a difference in the lives of youth facing homelessness? Explore opportunities to partner with us through this Corporate Partnership Document. Reach out to kblodgett@outreachindiana.org to learn more!
Host a Drive
Are you part of a company, church, or small group and want to host a collection drive? Hosting a greatest needs, food, or other drive is a great way to meet the needs of the youth facing homelessness we see each day. See our drive opportunities here.
At Outreach, hope becomes tangible for our young people experiencing homelessness when volunteers LIKE YOU begin to engage them – meeting them where they are and pointing them to the love they can experience with God and with others.
Why it Matters
Youth who face homelessness lack the relationship and support they need to propel them towards stability and life transformation. Becoming a volunteer at Outreach shows our youth that there are people in the community who care about them and want to see, know, and love them in their journeys.
Get involved in 3 simple steps:
Learn about the available individual & group volunteer opportunities
Submit a volunteer interest form
Check your email for confirmation and next steps
Donate items to fulfill our greatest needs list
You can help meet the immediate needs of vulnerable youth by donating items to fulfill our greatest needs.
Why it Matters
Outreach provides access to crucial resources and supplies for youth who face homelessness. By donating items to fulfill our greatest needs, you are donating critical items Outreach offers to youth facing homelessness helping to meet the immediate needs of these vulnerable youth.
Raise awareness
Youth facing homelessness are often not seen in our communities, so they may not know they are homeless or people may not ever think of a youth walking in that journey. You can be a voice for youth homelessness and bring awareness to the experiences, stories, and so much more that these individuals experience. Youth homelessness cannot end until our community comes together to see, know, and love these worthy and deserving youth.
Why it Matters
Many people still deny that youth homelessness is a problem in our community. We need YOUR help to raise awareness in the community, so these youth can become seen and known.
Pray to END youth homelessness
Outreach’s weekly email, Prayer Partner News gives you the opportunity to stay up-to-date with how you can be praying for youth, staff, and volunteers. Sign up to receive the weekly prayer newsletter.
Why it Matters
Prayer is one way we open our hearts to God, and He works through us. Prayer is such a powerful way that we can connect with one another and our community. You can pray for our youth, staff, and volunteers – feeling more deeply connected to Outreach.
Become an intern
Internships at Outreach are designed to introduce you to the inner workings of our organization through special projects and involvement in the ongoing work we do alongside youth facing homelessness. You will build meaningful relationships amongst the youth, staff, and volunteers. Start and End dates are flexible and dependent on your schedule and our organizational needs. Individuals who are 18 and older are welcome to apply.
Why it Matters
There is a growing need to walk alongside youth facing homelessness in our community. Not only do you gain meaningful nonprofit experience, but you are also building relationships with staff, volunteers, and youth, and through these relationships and special projects, you are helping build organizational capacity.