make a
Outreach, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. EIN: 35-1989358. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

When you partner financially with Outreach, your generosity enables us to create a space where youth are
How far does your gift go?
can cover the expense of 25 loads of laundry done in one programming day
can cover the expense of 20 served meals in one programming day
can cover the expense of 40 one day full fare bus passes
can cover the monthly expenses for 10 youth in the coaching program
More Ways to Give
In-Kind Giving
As Outreach provides access to services such as showers, laundry, clothing meals, and more, there is a need to provide in-kind goods, so Outreach can continue to meet the immediate needs of youth facing homelessness. You can donate in-kind items such as underwear, shampoo, conditioner, food, etc., to make sure Outreach can stay well-stocked on these highly-needed items.
Personal Property/Stock
To donate non-cash gifts, such as personal property, stocks, or mutual funds, please learn more here. Follow the steps, complete the fillable form for transfer and submit to our director of donor relations at kblodgett@outreachindiana.org.
Donor advised Funds
If you have a donor advised fund, please consult with your financial institution to designate Outreach, Inc. as one of your charitable organizations to support.
Church / Business / Community Partnerships
Are you part of a church, business, or group and are passionate about making a difference in the lives of youth facing homelessness? Reach out Outreach’s director of donor relations at kblodgett@outreachindiana.org to learn more about how you can partner with Outreach!
Host a Drive
Are you part of a company, church, or small group and want to host a collection drive? Hosting a greatest needs, food, or other drive is a great way to meet the needs of the youth facing homelessness we see each day. See our drive opportunities here.